I am a programmer a Creative Developer a Traveller an Entrepreneur a Speaker a Teacher a Blogger
We Design entire software Architecture. It comes up with All major technologies, third party dependencies.
We do know HTML, Css , css3 , jquery ajax . ususally use references of latest tech of respective languages of website
Website development is my forte. We do know PHP, Mysql, Frameworks tech like Phalcon, Laravel, Codignitor, Slim .
AWS | Digital ocean are the service provider . Apart from this We do setups on Google Cloud , Alibaba Cloud , Microsoft AZure setups of LAMP Platforms only
Jquery, PHP, Android apps based Plugins We usually develop for Developers, Coz We believe in sharing is caring. Find me on Github for more
We have Developed Cross Platform apps using Appcelarator Previously known as Titanium Apps. It was Javascript based IDE.
For any Project deal | Websites | APIs | Technical Guidence | Business enquiry